CEMPOP Uganda Limited
Located in Budaka District in Eastern Uganda. Founded in 2016, we believe that Uganda’s Environment and available dormant agricultural land offers the opportunity to provide employment and sustainable income generation in communities, helping to reduce rural poverty identified by local knowledge via women’s and community groups in rural areas of Uganda.
Rural poverty remains a problem in Uganda. CEMPOP aims to reduce this by creating sustainable community-based agri-business systems for peppermint oil productions, extractions, processing and marketing focusing on rural women and youth, through social enterprise model.
Introduse Our Ecoplan
Green Energy
waste recycling
clear ocean
forest planting

345 000+ Objects is
Under Our Protection
Become the One Who is Considered a Hero
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We Help in Nature Conservation
We Create Savings Funds
Pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consecter. Eget gravida cum sociis magnis dis parturient.
Help Environmental Funds

Giving Help Fund